If Travel is Your Excuse, These Exercises are for You!
I love these exercises! I never have to look for a fitness room because I can do them anywhere. If you combine them with the “Me” System you will leverage your own strength and flexibility. These exercises strengthen your weak areas and lengthen the opposing musculature.
- Leg Extension with Band
- Hamstring Curl with Band
- Outer Thigh Lift with Band
- Inner Thigh Squeeze with Little Ball
Leg Extension with Band
- Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat and relaxed
- Engage “Dime” and “Zipper”
- Pull your inner thighs towards one another
- “Bony” part of the knees together
- Relax your arms at your sides
- Keep the band around your ankles
- Extend one leg, keeping the “bony” part of the knees together
- Slowly lower the leg while keeping tension on the band
- Make sure your posture is correct throughout the motion
- Keep your leg muscles engaged on the way down
- Slightly rotate the inner thighs towards each other
- Relax your feet
- Wear socks to keep the band from irritating your skin
Hamstring Curl with Band
- Face down with band around the ankles
- Keep hands under the forehead
- Keep hips square and equal
- Hold knees close together
- Think about proper “Me” posture (“Dime” and “Zipper”)
- Slowly bring heel up towards the buttocks
- Slowly lower the leg, keeping tension on the band
- Always keep control on the band tension
- Be sure your heel is tracking up the center of the thigh (keeping knees together)
Outer Thigh Lift with Band
- Lie on side with hips stacked with band around ankles
- Keep knees bent
- Hold spine in line
- Extend arm above the head
- Tilt forward slightly, using top hand for support
- Modification: start with band above the knee
- Initiating from the abdominals: slowly lift top thigh
- Slowly lower the thigh, keeping the tension on the band
- Repeat
- Keep tension off the back by rolling slightly forward
- Slightly rotate thighs inwards
- Make sure to initiate from the core (abdominals)
- Keep “Dime” pinched and “Zipper” zipped
Inner Thigh Squeeze with Little Ball
- Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground
- Relax your arms at your sides
- “Dime” pinched, “Zipper” zipped, feet relaxed
- Hold ball between the thighs
- Stay focused on posture and alignment
- Squeeze ball and slightly release
- Continue squeezing action
- Always maintain tension on the ball
- Never let go of “Dime” and “Zipper”
- Keep shoulders pinched back and down